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BOS Minutes August 16,2005
Chichester Board of Selectmen
August 16, 2005

Present:  Chairman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery Selectman Colbert, and Patty Wooster, Administrative Assistant.  Chairman DeBold opened the meeting at 7:00PM

SUBJECT:  Mr. Jeff Pullen- Connemara Drive

HIGHLIGHTS:  Mr. Pullen met with the Board of Selectmen and Road Agent, Mr. David Kenneally regarding Connemara Drive and wash outs.  Mr. Pullen said when there are heavy downpours the stone, gravel and sand washes down into his driveway.  Mr. Pullen presented the Board of Selectmen with photos of the gravel and sand that washed down onto his driveway. The water lies at the end of his driveway.  In the winter this is especially frustrating to Mr. Pullen as the water freezes over and creates ice.  Over time the ice builds up making it impossible for him to melt the ice or chip it away.  He stated that he can not use his snow blower because it would not cut through the ice; and he had a difficult time trying to drive up his driveway.  

Mr. Kenneally asked Mr. Pullen what he was looking to be done.  Mr. Pullen said he would like the runoff stopped; the culvert unclogged and the patch job is sinking.  Mr. Pullen asked what the best thing to do is.  Mr. Kenneally said from the Town’s point of view the best thing to do is take six to eight feet of the lawn up and pitch it off the road and the driveway should have a culvert.  Selectman MacCleery asked if it was up to the Town to build a culvert.  Mr. Pullen said the Town does have the responsibility.  Chairman DeBold said that the Town does share in the responsibility.  Selectman MacCleery stated that we should go back to the original design.  Mr. Pullen said it was the slope of the road that is causing the water to run across his driveway bringing with it debris.  Selectman MacCleery stated that something needs to be done to slow down the velocity of the water.  Selectman Colbert asked if hot topping the area would solve the problem.  Mr. Pullen said he was not opposed to having the area hot topped.  It was decided that a decision could not be reached this evening.  Chairman DeBold asked Mr. Pullen to pick a night that Mr. Kenneally and Chairman DeBold can meet at his home to evaluate the situation.  Mr. Pullen suggested Monday night, August 22, 2005 at 5:30.  Mr. Kenneally and Chairman DeBold agreed to that date and time.

SUBJECT: General Business

HIGHLIGHTS:  Selectman Colbert suggested to Mr. Kenneally that he watch his salary line.  Mr. Kenneally said he was aware of the salary line getting close to what was budgeted for.  Selectman MacCleery suggested that David watch his over-time.  Mr. Kenneally said it was kind of hard to stop work in the middle of a project.  Selectman MacCleery said that he was not implying he should stop in the middle of a project just that maybe on Thursdays he could knock off early send his crew home early.  Selectman MacCleery said there is no excuse for using over-time in the summer, unless an emergency occurred.  Selectman Colbert suggested that Mr. Kenneally look at the Town’s cost associated with hiring subcontractors to do trucking for the Town verses the Town’s cost hiring a full-time employee to drive the Town’s truck.   

Mr. Kenneally asked if he could close off the second driveway at Carpenter’s Park.  He said when it rains the water runs down the driveway and material is being lost.  Mr. Kenneally said that after a rain storm he has to go back and put the dirt and gravel back.  Chairman DeBold thought that was good idea, he said he really does not like having two driveways because it was dangerous.  The Board of Selectmen agreed that the second drive should be closed, but not until after Old Home Day.  

Selectman Colbert said he received a telephone call from Jeremy Gagner regarding the Petition against the Weathervane.  Selectman Colbert said he was not comfortable calling him back because the matter was now in the hands of the Town Attorney, Matt Serge.

Patty asked the Selectmen if they knew about a water system that was installed at a home on Suncook Valley Road.  Apparently, an invoice was sent to the Town regarding a service request for this resident.  The Selectmen advised Patty to call Mr. Ted Bailey and get information from him.  

In the Minutes of the Planning Board dated August 4 2005, Patty noticed that they mentioned Smith Sanborn Road as a scenic road.  Patty with the help of Erin did extensive research and could not find any information stating that Smith Sanborn Road is a scenic road.  Chairman DeBold will notify the Planning Board and ask them to correct the minutes to reflect the information that Patty and Erin found.

Last week the Selectmen reviewed a Notice of Intent to Excavate.  The Selectmen asked Patty to do some research regarding this document.  Based on the research when a resident is moving earth off the property they must submit a Notice of Intent to Excavate in accordance with RSA 155-E.  Patty will put an information package together for the Planning Board and Selectmen.

Patty reported to the Selectmen that a resident asked her about people trespassing on the resident’s property.  The resident stated that a surveying company came on her property and she asked them to leave.  They said they had permission from another resident who was having his land surveyed.  Patty said she told the resident the next time someone comes on her property without her permission to call the Chichester Police.  The Selectmen’s office has no jurisdiction over this matter.

Briefly discussed was the Planning Board Meeting held on August 4, 2005 regarding Canterbury Cove.  Selectman MacCleery attended that meeting and read the Selectmen’s Position Letter and he said he got a round of applause.  He said a lot of people attended the meeting and were against Canterbury Cove opening up Hillview Drive making it a through street.  The meeting will continue on September 1, 2005.

Selectmen MacCleery reported he had attended a Board of Adjustment’s meeting on August 10, 2005.  At this meeting Mr. & Mrs. Plummer and the Conservation Committee were requesting a use variance to Article II Section D to allow the subdivision of an 8 acre parcel with an existing house on Main Street to allow the Town to acquire parcel that would provide access to Marsh Pond and the Sanborn/Cray Conservation area.  The Conservation Committee sees this land as the best place for Towns people to have access to the pond and conservation land.  Mrs. Madeline Sanborn who is an abutter attended this meeting.  Back in 1992 she had given the Conservation Commission property to allow access to the pond.  She said she was disappointed that the Conservation Committee hadn’t done anything with the property.  Selectmen MacCleery stated that after much discussion a vote was put before the Board of Adjustments and by a Vote of 3-2 a variance was granted.

Patty reminded the Selectmen that the perambulation is due with Pittsfield.  Patty will send a letter to Pittsfield Selectmen with times and days to complete this task.

The Board signed payroll and accounts payable.  

Legal correspondence, mail and e-mail were reviewed.  

The Minutes from August 9, 2005 were reviewed and approved.

Being no further business, Chairman DeBold adjourned the meeting at 9:45pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Patty Wooster
Administrative Assistant

Chairman Richard DeBold

Stephen MacCleery  

David Colbert